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Specialist Epilepsy Mental Health Counselling Services

A lady sat in her wheelchair outside. She is sat next to her freind who is looking at the DisabilityPlus website, she is deciding if cerebral palsy counselling is good for her freind.

We do not judge or measure you against others. We work with you individually, providing the right mixture of support and technique to help you live with greater ease and fulfilment.

Our clients come to us for a wide variety of reasons.

Some are facing specific problems directly related to epilepsy, and others describe feeling unfulfilled & worried, some simply have a general sense that “something is missing.”

Being a specialist epilepsy counselling service we understand what it is like to be you and use our expertise and compassion to guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

Our goal is to simultaneously help you gain resiliency and flexibility to manage life’s difficulties while developing a stronger sense of what you value most.

If you are struggling please do get in touch.

A lady sat in her wheelchair outside. She is sat next to her freind who is looking at the DisabilityPlus website, she is deciding if cerebral palsy counselling is good for her freind.

Your Service

Specialist Counsellors & Psychotherapists.

You can choose a Counsellor who has Epilepsy. 

 Our Counselling comes from Lived Experiences, not a Text Book or Training Course.

Heavily subsidised self-paying plans with no waiting list for people 14 & over.

Registered, Accredited Psychotherapists, Psychologists & Counsellors.

Video & telephone counselling to ensure you can connect with specialists wherever you live.

DisabilityPlus takes pride in changing futures with accessible therapies”

Man sat at his desk contemplating the benefits of counselling adults with Disabilities
Man sat at his desk looking at his PC, he has just finished a cerebral palsy counselling session.
A lady sat in her wheelchair outside. She is sat next to her freind who is looking at the DisabilityPlus website, she is deciding if cerebral palsy counselling is good for her freind.




A lady sat in her wheelchair outside. She is sat next to her freind who is looking at the DisabilityPlus website, she is deciding if cerebral palsy counselling is good for her freind.


Today, we know that people who have mental health conditions are two to three times more likely to develop a seizure disorder than the general population.

And patients with epilepsy are known to have higher rates of mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. Compared with their peers, these patients also have a higher rate of suicide, with those numbers increasing for patients with medication-resistant epilepsy – when at least two medications do not achieve sustained freedom from seizures.

Therapists who have epilepsy will help you experience a sense of belonging and connection, as they will have similar challenges to yours.

The key to helping you is the understanding of epilepsy and how each different type of seizure can affect you. If you said most therapists “what are the differences and issues each different type of seizure can have on your mental health” would they know?  

Our team do and therefore we can support you with understanding and knowledge.


A lady sat in her wheelchair outside. She is sat next to her freind who is looking at the DisabilityPlus website, she is deciding if cerebral palsy counselling is good for her freind.

Supporting you

We support people, not with the labels of depression or anxiety; our counselling is helping clients with life’s difficulties that can be the platform for their mental health issues.

We help with:

Coping with the rollercoaster of society’s challenges & perceptions

Exploring your feelings & thoughts

Understanding of how difficulties may have developed

Management of worries about the next seizure

Coping with different emotions

Concerns about memory and changes in thinking

Dealing with distress and trauma 

Concerns about relationships 

Adjusting to the reality of living with Epilepsy

Setting realistic aspirations for the future


How do we support you?

Online Sessions – we offer video sessions; why?

Few counsellors specialise in supporting people with Epilepsy. By providing video sessions, we can help you wherever you live.

What to expect? – your counsellor will understand the issues you may be facing; each person is different, but common themes are discussed in therapy.

Therapy – we usually offer counselling that supports resolutions of your current issues and future planning. Some people prefer a longer, more profound form of psychotherapy.

We support both modes of counselling.

When can I start counselling? – if you pay for sessions, sessions generally start within a fortnight.

If you wanted NHS funding, we would make an application following a free assessment session.

No NHS funding application is guaranteed to be successful and the timeframe is normally between 8 and 12 weeks. 

We pride ourselves on providing safe and compassionate Epilepsy Counselling where all individuals, regardless of cultural, gender or sexual identity, can receive equitable mental health services and support.


We know that most people we see do not have mental health conditions, they have emotional stressors & issues subjected to life-changing complex issues & associated problems that were not foreseen.

Many people with epilepsy experience memory difficulties, anxiety, attention problems, trouble sleeping, and can often feel sad, mad, frustrated or even scared.

People with epilepsy are also at a higher risk of being depressed. All of these problems and feelings can get worse over time if not treated, and they can have a big impact on quality of life.

Our counsellors provide ongoing support for all of our patients—as well as their families, friends and caregivers. We help people better understand epilepsy and offer them the tools they need to manage everyday challenges.

We provide counselling with individual attention, and we are always here to address any questions and concerns.

Our Counselling

For any person, it’s important that you feel comfortable enough to openly discuss your concerns or problems. This is especially true if you have epilepsy. Mental health counselling can help improve your communication and interpersonal skills.

Plus, if you are dealing with a chronic illness you are more likely to experience feelings of anxiety, irritability, or depression. With improved communication, you are more likely to speak about it.


Chronic illness can take a toll on your life. & self-esteem. You may feel as if you aren’t in control of your own body or even betrayed by your body.

Epilepsy counselling can help improve self-esteem, confidence, and self-image.

Self-esteem and confidence are essential for your health and happiness. We’re dedicated to improving the quality of your life, and an improved self-image is important to that mission.

Stress Management

For some, stress or stressful situations can trigger a seizure. We can help you alleviate stress when you have someone to discuss this with! Also, epilepsy counselling gives you tools to self-manage your stress and defuse stressful situations. Being able to manage stress effectively ensures that you can focus your energy elsewhere.

Stress management can also help regulate sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation is another common seizure trigger and it’s important that you sleep regularly and have restful sleep.

Improved Relationships

A strong support system is important for you in most cases. You may be relying on friends, and family throughout your epilepsy journey. Epilepsy counselling helps you build relationship skills to build stronger, trusting relationships with those you rely on the most.

Improved relationships can also help decrease stress and help you build confidence. Improved relationships and a strong support system can give you much-needed stability.

Quality of Life

Due to the stigma surrounding mental health counselling, most people focus more on their physical health, while neglecting their mental health. The reality is that seeking help to improve your mental health can be incredibly beneficial.

Better mental health leads to improvement in physical health, as well as other aspects of life.

Epilepsy counselling instils a sense of hope, improving your outlook on your own life.


As a specialist service with a wealth of experience, we can support organisations and private people with excellent Counselling and Psychotherapies.

Services for 




Family Members


Professional Organisations 

National Health Services

Mental Health Providers


Universities & Schools

Solicitors & Courts

Insurance Companies



A certain percentage of people with epilepsy are known to have complications with mood disorders and psychiatric symptoms.

This is attributed to the possibility that organic lesions in epilepsy may also cause depression and psychiatric symptoms. The impact of comorbid depression on the quality of life of people is thought to be comparable with the impact of severity and frequency of seizures.

In addition, having epilepsy can lead to a new onset of depression. Apart from the stress associated with chronic illnesses in general, people with epilepsy experience a great deal of anxiety and tension about the onset of seizures and a sense of helplessness of being unable to control them on their own.

Seizures also have a significant impact on normal day-to-day activities, such as bathing and exercise, as well as important aspects of social life, such as working, driving, and marriage.

These effects of seizures on daily life often constrain people with epilepsy to limit their day-to-day activities, leading to depressive symptoms.

The social stigma associated with epilepsy also majorly impacts the mental state of patients with epilepsy in addition to their personal problems. The stigma of having epilepsy can lead to depression in people.

Self paid fees?

We offer privately-paid services from age 14.

Private pay clients are able to choose the focus, duration, and frequency of therapy.

Clients are even allowed to choose the length of sessions. Research shows that clients who have to pay something for their treatment have more positive outcomes than those who receive free treatment.

Individuals can start their Epilepsy Counselling almost immediately.

There are no waiting lists or reports being sent to GPs. It’s Confidential.  


For the general public, we heavily discounted our session fees. This enables them to access counselling easily at an affordable price.

Session Fees for 50 minutes:

Initial Session £50

Pay as you go £70

Saver3 £180  (3 Sessions)

Some people may find that self-paid is just out of reach if this is the case let us know and we can generally help with a payment plan.


Free Funding is not available with DisabilityPlus. 

The NHS offer you CBT counselling through the local IAPT counselling service.

Find the Right Support for Your Journey

At DisabilityPlus, we understand that every individual’s mental health journey is unique. That’s why we offer comprehensive counselling services designed to cater to your specific needs.

Click & Select your counselling service

Lady sat in a wheelchair, she is being hugged by her daughter. Her daughter is very happy she started a course of MS counselling

We do not judge or measure you against others. We work with you individually, providing the right mixture of support and technique to help you live with greater ease and fulfilment.

Our clients come to us for a wide variety of reasons.

Some are facing specific problems directly related to epilepsy, and others describe feeling unfulfilled & worried, some simply have a general sense that “something is missing.”

Being a specialist epilepsy counselling service we understand what it is like to be you and use our expertise and compassion to guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

Our goal is to simultaneously help you gain resiliency and flexibility to manage life’s difficulties while developing a stronger sense of what you value most.

If you are struggling please do get in touch.




A man who is sat in his wheelchair, he has a complete (paraplegia) spinal cord injury


Specialist Acreditated & Registered Psycologists & Psychotherapists.

You can choose a Counsellor who has Epilepsy or a specialist who does not. It’s your choice.

Our Counselling comes from Lived Experiences, not a Text Book or Training Course.

Heavily subsidised self-paying plans with no waiting list for people 14 & over.

Video & telephone counselling to ensure you can connect with specialists wherever you live.

We support people, not with the labels of depression or anxiety; our counselling is helping clients with life’s difficulties that can be the platform for their mental health issues.

We help with:

Coping with the rollercoaster of society’s challenges & perceptions

Exploring your feelings & thoughts

Understanding of how difficulties may have developed

Coping with different emotions

Concerns about memory and changes in thinking

Dealing with distress and trauma 

Concerns about relationships 

Adjusting to the reality of living with Epilepsy

Setting realistic aspirations for the future


Specialist Understanding

Today, we know that people who have mental health conditions are two to three times more likely to develop a seizure disorder than the general population.

And patients with epilepsy are known to have higher rates of mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. Compared with their peers, these patients also have a higher rate of suicide, with those numbers increasing for patients with medication-resistant epilepsy – when at least two medications do not achieve sustained freedom from seizures.


Therapists who have epilepsy will help you experience a sense of belonging and connection, as they will have similar challenges to yours.

The key to helping you is the understanding of epilepsy and how each different type of seizure can affect you. If you said most therapists “what are the differences and issues each different type of seizure can have on your mental health” would they know?  

Our team do and therefore we can support you with understanding and knowledge.


Our counselling starts from the baseline & contributing factors of living with epilepsy creates the issues you may be facing.


We know that most people we see do not have mental health conditions, they have emotional stressors & issues subjected to life-changing complex issues & associated problems that were not foreseen.

Many people with epilepsy experience memory difficulties, anxiety, attention problems, trouble sleeping, and can often feel sad, mad, frustrated or even scared.

People with epilepsy are also at a higher risk of being depressed. All of these problems and feelings can get worse over time if not treated, and they can have a big impact on quality of life.

Our counsellors provide ongoing support for all of our patients—as well as their families, friends and caregivers. We help people better understand epilepsy and offer them the tools they need to manage everyday challenges.

We provide counselling with individual attention, and we are always here to address any questions and concerns.

Our Counselling

For any person, it’s important that you feel comfortable enough to openly discuss your concerns or problems. This is especially true if you have epilepsy. Mental health counselling can help improve your communication and interpersonal skills.

Plus, if you are dealing with a chronic illness you are more likely to experience feelings of anxiety, irritability, or depression. With improved communication, you are more likely to speak about it.


Chronic illness can take a toll on your life. & self-esteem. You may feel as if you aren’t in control of your own body or even betrayed by your body.

Epilepsy counselling can help improve self-esteem, confidence, and self-image.

Self-esteem and confidence are essential for your health and happiness. We’re dedicated to improving the quality of your life, and an improved self-image is important to that mission.

Stress Management

For some, stress or stressful situations can trigger a seizure. We can help you alleviate stress when you have someone to discuss this with! Also, epilepsy counselling gives you tools to self-manage your stress and defuse stressful situations. Being able to manage stress effectively ensures that you can focus your energy elsewhere.

Stress management can also help regulate sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation is another common seizure trigger and it’s important that you sleep regularly and have restful sleep.

Improved Relationships

A strong support system is important for you in most cases. You may be relying on friends, and family throughout your epilepsy journey. Epilepsy counselling helps you build relationship skills to build stronger, trusting relationships with those you rely on the most.

Improved relationships can also help decrease stress and help you build confidence. Improved relationships and a strong support system can give you much-needed stability.

Quality of Life

Due to the stigma surrounding mental health counselling, most people focus more on their physical health, while neglecting their mental health. The reality is that seeking help to improve your mental health can be incredibly beneficial.

Better mental health leads to improvement in physical health, as well as other aspects of life.

Epilepsy counselling instils a sense of hope, improving your outlook on your own life.


We support people, not with the labels of depression or anxiety, our counselling is helping clients with life’s difficulties that can be the platform for their mental health issues.

We help with:

Coping with the rollercoaster of society’s challenges & perceptions

Exploring your feelings & thoughts

Understanding of how difficulties may have developed

Management of fears and worries

Coping with different emotions

Concerns about memory and changes in thinking

Dealing with distress and trauma 

Concerns about relationships 

Adjusting to the reality of living with epilepsy

Setting realistic aspirations for the future


Free funding is not available through DisabilityPlus.

For free funding, your GP will refer you to the local mental service called IAPT.


As a specialist service with a wealth of experience, we can support organisations and private people with excellent Epilepsy Counselling and Psychotherapies.

Services for 




Family Members


Professional Organisations 

National Health Services

Mental Health Providers


Universities & Schools

Solicitors & Courts

Insurance Companies



A certain percentage of people with epilepsy are known to have complications with mood disorders and psychiatric symptoms.

This is attributed to the possibility that organic lesions in epilepsy may also cause depression and psychiatric symptoms. The impact of comorbid depression on the quality of life of people is thought to be comparable with the impact of severity and frequency of seizures.

In addition, having epilepsy can lead to a new onset of depression. Apart from the stress associated with chronic illnesses in general, people with epilepsy experience a great deal of anxiety and tension about the onset of seizures and a sense of helplessness of being unable to control them on their own.

Seizures also have a significant impact on normal day-to-day activities, such as bathing and exercise, as well as important aspects of social life, such as working, driving, and marriage.

These effects of seizures on daily life often constrain people with epilepsy to limit their day-to-day activities, leading to depressive symptoms.

The social stigma associated with epilepsy also majorly impacts the mental state of patients with epilepsy in addition to their personal problems. The stigma of having epilepsy can lead to depression in people.


We offer privately-paid services from age 14.

Private pay clients are able to choose the focus, duration, and frequency of therapy.

Clients are even allowed to choose the length of sessions. Research shows that clients who have to pay something for their treatment have more positive outcomes than those who receive free treatment.

Individuals can start their Limb Loss Counselling almost immediately.

There are no waiting lists or reports being sent to GPs. It’s Confidential.  


For the general public, we heavily discounted our session fees. This enables them to access counselling easily at an affordable price.

Session Fees for 50 minutes:

Initial Session £50

Pay as you go £70

Saver3 £180  (3 Sessions)

Some people may find that self-paid is just out of reach if this is the case let us know and we can generally help with a payment plan.

"During a session, you can explore your moods, feelings, behaviours, and thoughts in order to respond more effectively to challenging and triggering situations"

Epilepsy Counselling & Psychotherapy

Lady with a red jacket, she is in a wheelchair looking forwards with a warm smile. She has her laptop, she is about to start a disability counselling session.

Counsellors & Psychotherapists who have Epilepsy

Our counselling starts from the baseline & contributing factors of living with epilepsy creates the issues you may be facing.

Heavily Subsidised Self-Paying Options from age 14.

No waiting lists, start sessions within a fortnight.

£180 (3 sessions)

£50 introduction session

£70 (pay-as-you-go)

We do not judge or measure you against others. We work with you individually, providing the right mixture of support and technique to help you live with greater ease and fulfilment.

Our clients come to us for a wide variety of reasons.

Some are facing specific problems directly related to epilepsy, and others describe feeling unfulfilled & worried, some simply have a general sense that “something is missing.”

Being a specialist epilepsy counselling service we understand what it is like to be you and use our expertise and compassion to guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

Our goal is to simultaneously help you gain resiliency and flexibility to manage life’s difficulties while developing a stronger sense of what you value most.

If you are struggling please do get in touch.

Your Service

Specialist Acreditated & Registered Psycologists & Psychotherapists.

You can choose a Counsellor who has CP or a specialist without CP. It’s your choice.

 Our Counselling comes from Lived Experiences, not a Text Book or Training Course.

Video & telephone counselling to ensure you can connect with specialists wherever you live.

Mental Health?

Today, we know that people who have mental health conditions are two to three times more likely to develop a seizure disorder than the general population.

And patients with epilepsy are known to have higher rates of mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. Compared with their peers, these patients also have a higher rate of suicide, with those numbers increasing for patients with medication-resistant epilepsy – when at least two medications do not achieve sustained freedom from seizures.

Therapists who have epilepsy will help you experience a sense of belonging and connection, as they will have similar challenges to yours.

The key to helping you is the understanding of epilepsy and how each different type of seizure can affect you. If you said most therapists “what are the differences and issues each different type of seizure can have on your mental health” would they know?  

Our team do and therefore we can support you with understanding and knowledge.


We support people, not with the labels of depression or anxiety; our counselling is helping clients with life’s difficulties that can be the platform for their mental health issues.

We help with:

♣ Coping with the rollercoaster of society’s challenges & perceptions

♣ Exploring your feelings & thoughts

 Understanding of how difficulties may have developed

♣ Management of worries about the next seizure

 Coping with different emotions

 Concerns about memory and changes in thinking

 Dealing with distress and trauma 

 Concerns about relationships 

 Adjusting to the reality of living with Epilepsy

 Setting realistic aspirations for the future

DisabilityPlus changes futures for the better with accessible psychotherapies


Online Sessions – we offer video sessions, why? there are few counsellors that specialise in supporting people with Epilepsy. By offering video sessions we can support you wherever you live.

What to expect? – your counsellor will understand the issues you may be facing, each person is different, however, people with Epilepsy have common themes that are talked through.

Therapy – normally we would offer counselling that supports resolutions of your current issues and future planning. Some people prefer a longer deeper form of psychotherapy.

We support both modes of counselling.

When can I start counselling? – if you are paying for sessions yourself sessions would start generally within a fortnight.

If you wanted NHS funding we would make an application following a free assessment session.

If you have not been to the local mental health team in your area we cannot make a funding application for you.

No NHS funding application is guaranteed to be successful and the timeframe is normally between 8 and 12 weeks. 

We pride ourselves on providing safe and compassionate Epilepsy Counselling where all individuals, regardless of cultural, gender or sexual identity can receive equitable mental health services and support.

So, if you’re struggling in any way right now, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Epilepsy Counselling?

Today, we know that people who have mental health conditions are two to three times more likely to develop a seizure disorder than the general population.

And patients with epilepsy are known to have higher rates of mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. Compared with their peers, these patients also have a higher rate of suicide, with those numbers increasing for patients with medication-resistant epilepsy – when at least two medications do not achieve sustained freedom from seizures.

Therapists who have epilepsy will help you experience a sense of belonging and connection, as they will have similar challenges to yours.

The key to helping you is the understanding of epilepsy and how each different type of seizure can affect you. If you said most therapists “what are the differences and issues each different type of seizure can have on your mental health” would they know? 

Our counsellors provide ongoing support for all of our patients—as well as their families, friends and caregivers. We help people better understand epilepsy and offer them the tools they need to manage everyday challenges.

We provide counselling with individual attention, and we are always here to address any questions and concerns.

Our team do and therefore we can support you with understanding and knowledge.

How we help?

We support people, not with the labels of depression or anxiety, our work is helping clients with life’s difficulties that can be the platform for mental health issues.

We help with:

  • Coping with the rollercoaster of emotions
  • Exploring your feelings & thoughts
  • Understanding of how difficulties may have developed
  • Management of fears and worries
  • Coping with different stresses 
  • Concerns about anger and how it’s affecting those around you
  • Dealing with distress and trauma 
  • Concerns about relationships 
  • Adjusting to the reality of living with Epilepsy
  • Setting realistic & achievable goals

We understand the secondary conditions, including:

  • Anxieties & Stress
  • Depression
  • Dissociation
  • PTSD
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Addictions
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Personality Changes


A certain percentage of people with epilepsy are known to have complications with mood disorders and psychiatric symptoms.

This is attributed to the possibility that organic lesions in epilepsy may also cause depression and psychiatric symptoms. The impact of comorbid depression on the quality of life of people is thought to be comparable with the impact of severity and frequency of seizures.

In addition, having epilepsy can lead to a new onset of depression. Apart from the stress associated with chronic illnesses in general, people with epilepsy experience a great deal of anxiety and tension about the onset of seizures and a sense of helplessness of being unable to control them on their own.

Seizures also have a significant impact on normal day-to-day activities, such as bathing and exercise, as well as important aspects of social life, such as working, driving, and marriage.

These effects of seizures on daily life often constrain people with epilepsy to limit their day-to-day activities, leading to depressive symptoms.

The social stigma associated with epilepsy also majorly impacts the mental state of patients with epilepsy in addition to their personal problems. The stigma of having epilepsy can lead to depression in people.

Self-paid fees?

We offer privately-paid services from age 14.

Private pay clients are able to choose the focus, duration, and frequency of therapy.

You are even allowed to choose the length of sessions. 

You can start your Epilepsy Counselling almost immediately.

There are no waiting lists or reports being sent to GPs. It’s Confidential.

You can start by paying privately for the immediate start & in the background, we can submit an NHS application for you if applicable.


For the general public, we heavily discounted our counselling session fees. This enables you to access counselling easily at an affordable price.

Session Fees for 50 minutes:

Initial Session £50

Pay as you go £70

Saver3 £180  (3 Sessions)

Some people may find that self-paid is just out of reach. If this is the case, let us know, and we can generally help with a payment plan.





Referral Forms


